Static vs Stationary Lights

Noob question.
Is there any particular reason why I get better quality shadows with Stationary lights compared to Static? The edges of the lighting look really pixelated using static compared to using stationary lighting…

stationary lights affects both static and movable objects… static don’t affect movable objects.
So with a stationary light, your static objects receive static shadows and your movable objects receive dynamic shadows.

Do you have movable objects in your scene?

Not sure what you mean by ‘‘edge of lighting’’, did you mean edge of a shadow? Usually a dynamic shadow looks better until you raise the quality of your lightmaps to surpass dynamic shadows…

Yeah where the edge of the light meets the shadow. For example; a pendant light casting light from it’s fixture onto a benchtop. I’ve found that if I set the light to static, the edges where the light meets shadow is pixellated until I raise the light map res of the benchtop to around 2048 (or higher) where as with the Stationary light - I can leave the light map res of the bench at about 512 and there’s no pixelation. I’ll have to post some pics when I get home. But I’m talking about a fairly normal sized benchtop that’s basically a cube. Very simple. So the mapping is fine.

STATIC (512)

STATIC (2048)