So I’m trying to set up a static TArray of actors for some small testing. I realize that static TArrays can’t be exposed to the blueprint system, so I’m trying to expose simple functions to modify it. My current setup is that I have a static TArray of actors and two simple static functions to add and remove actors from the array. My current setup lookes like this:
class TOWERDEFENSE_API ATurret : public AActor
//UPROPERTY() //This doesn't work...
static TArray<AActor*> EnemyList;
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Turret_Statics")
static void AddActorToList(AActor *Actor);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Turret_Statics")
static void RemoveActorFromList(AActor *Actor);
ATurret::ATurret(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
: Super(PCIP)
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
void ATurret::AddActorToList(AActor *Actor){
void ATurret::RemoveActorFromList(AActor *Actor){
But there are many problems I’m running into.
First, I guess static TArrays can’t be a Uproperty because it gives me the error 'Unrecognized type ‘static’ '. It compiles fine without either the UProperty or the static keyword.
Secondly, I can reference the static TArray inside the static functions but I can’t perform any operations on them, such as Add or Remove. The error it gives me is
Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class TArray<class AActor *,class FDefaultAllocator> ATurret::EnemyList" (?EnemyList@ATurret@@2V?$TArray@PEAVAActor@@VFDefaultAllocator@@@@A)
Which I have no clue what that’s trying to tell me. My ultimate objective here is to have a very simple static list to hold all the enemy actors in the game for my turret class to reference. I put the list in the turret class hoping to just run some simple tests without creating more classes.
Any help would be great!