Static mesh 'volume' overlapping

I have big static mesh (not regular). Collison preset are the same as colision sphere. Mesh have complex collision set as default.

Actor crossing sphere generate ‘on overlap begin’ event and continue this staying inside it. ( good for me )
Mesh generate this event only at the edge. (like no volume insdie). Inside overlaparray is empty.

How to tell UE4 that mesh have volume (is closed)?
Any idea?

Those arrays are empty when actor is inside staic mesh. (that I ask there why)

I must import/prepare mesh different? (eg generate complex or simple collision inside UE4 - or import it?)
Set extra ‘collisions’ ?
Set doubleside mesh?

This is the same for collision volumes also. That’s why the event is called -begin- overlap.

If you want to know if something is still overlapping something else, you can use one of

Most likely one of the first two…

It’s better not to do it with a mesh. Put the mesh in a blueprint and surround it with a collision volume.

EDIT: Scratch that. Just set the collision on the mesh to ‘overlap all’ and tick the ‘generate overlap events’ box.

I know. But I try recreate ‘Red zone’ for the map. It is non regular, big (ok not much relevant) and I must have two sets per map. Going with surrounding volumes isn’t good way (IMHO) and too much work to set it. My idea was to simplify all process and start from spline around map. Convert it to mesh and relevant minimap image. Another route is convert image to database set and compare locations. Effect same but much heavy ram usage and few more problems with UE4.

The example I have above, is just a mesh.


I know. But I try recreate ‘Red zone’ for the map. It is non regular, big (ok not much relevant) and I must have two sets per map. Going with surrounding simple volumes isn’t good way (IMHO) and too much work to set it. My idea was to simplify all process and start from spline around map. Convert it to mesh and relevant minimap image. Another route is convert image to database set and compare locations. Effect same but much heavy ram usage and few more problems with UE4.

Here is example with code that you send
Going ‘inside’ works like exiting zone. Only borders works.

Well, you can see it working above with a plain cube. So either there’s something up with the collision settings or, I’m wondering, does the collision of the mesh actually match the mesh shape?

Have you tried turning on player collision view?


Seems ok.

Hmmm, I’m at a loss, sorry.

Maybe if you want to attached the mesh as an FBX, I’ll take a look…

Yeah… Capsule review is ‘it’s not gonna work’ :-/

I blew it up to about 50 x and tried it.

The collision won’t continue triggering when the player is inside the mesh, it only works on the edges.

I tried the same thing with a collision volume, and the check fires constantly, even when the player is miles from the edge.

EDIT: I guess you could make a spline blueprint that spawns collision volumes…

link text
No worries. Thx for your help and time. This helps me a lot. now I know that I need search for bugs elsewhere.