Static Mesh property disappears after save and close Unreal

I’m working in a plugin to add metadata to static meshes. For this, I have created a blutility to read asset metadata and assign a created subclass of AssetUserData to the meshes.

Everything works fine, but when I save the project and close it, information disappears from modified static meshes.


Before Blutility:

After Blutility:

After re-open project:

bool UMODUtilities::SetAssetUserData(UObject * Object, UMODUserData* MODUserData)
    if (Object)

        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("SetAssetUserData failed: Object is null."));
        return false;

    UMODUserData* newMODUserData = NewObject<UMODUserData>();

    if (MODUserData)

        newMODUserData->MODData = MODUserData->MODData;
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("SetAssetUserData failed: MODUserData is null."));

    //Test if Object is a mesh
    if (UStaticMesh* inMesh = Cast<UStaticMesh>(Object))

        return true;
    else if (UMaterialInterface* inMaterial = Cast<UMaterialInterface>(Object))
        return true;
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("FBXMetadataToMODData failed: Object isn't mesh nor material."));
    return false;

Additional information:

I have try to add Transactions to the function but doesn’t change anything.

I have discovered that my error is when I create the newobject of the class “UMODUserData* newMODUserData = NewObject<UMODUserData>();” I don’t provide the outer, so the solution is: “UMODUserData* newMODUserData = NewObject<UMODUserData>(Object)” and that’s it.

One complete day figuring out how to solve it and it was just a word.
