I’m new to Blender and UE4, and I’ve run into a problem with a mesh that I created and imported from blender.
As you can see in the screenshot, the feet portion of the mesh is “see through” and I can see face of the opposite of the mesh. If I go on the other side of the mesh, the same thing happens. This only happens to the feet portion of the mesh.
I’ve looked around for some fixes but I can’t seem to find any that fit my description, and the closest solution I found was to recalculate the normals in blender, but this doesn’t seem to be fixing the problem.
Does anyone have a fix and to what’s causing it to be this way?
It appears that the face normals of your character are inverted.
You can go about fixing this by either editing the mesh config in UE4, or manually flipping them in blender, the former being the easier method, which is what I will explain.
Open up the static mesh, and in the details panel find and enable “Double-Sided Geometry”
Next, go into the material you have assigned to your character and under Details enable “Two Sided”.
Apply the material and save all, and it should work.