Static Mesh Foliage doesn't use FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent class defaults

Hey guys I’m having trouble with my static mesh foliage not using its foliage instanced static mesh components class defaults.

I am working on a bushcraft survival game that is near early access release and am trying to get better performance by switching a few of my foliage interactions from trace hits to overlap events, but my static mesh foliage that is spawned by my procedural foliage volume and foliage tool are not keeping their instanced static mesh components class defaults. I can make it work how I want it to by using a blueprint to add the FISMC to the world but when the foliage is a “Static mesh foliage” used by the foliage tool or procedural foliage volume it seems to completely ignore the class defaults of the FISMC.

For example, I have a blueprint in the level that at begin play gathers up all the trees placed by the foliage tool and procedural foliage volumes and swaps them out for the exact same FISMC so that I can use that blueprint to control all the tree felling interactions etc. These FISMC keep their class defaults and I can change their overlap and collision settings etc to do what I want, but all the other foliage in my game that isn’t spawned by this blueprint completely disregards their FISMC class settings and I can’t figure out why. You can change their collision responses and collision types etc in the Static mesh foliage settings but not the ability to generate overlap events or their collision object type, They’re always set as world static.

Anyone know whats going on and how to fix this. The work around is to use my blueprint to gather all the foliage up and add them back in at the start of the game but there is so much foliage etc that that seems like a ridiculous solution that would probably just crash in an infinite loop detection anyway.

Thanks in advance