My static mesh editor have been getting black coloured floor. It’s making it hard to see dark materials when editing static mesh.
Does anyone knows what’s causing this? or how to change it back?
My static mesh editor have been getting black coloured floor. It’s making it hard to see dark materials when editing static mesh.
Does anyone knows what’s causing this? or how to change it back?
Nope, I’ve never edit anything out from it. But, I checked if it changed somehow and its the same as yours though.
Could this be the cause of nanite? I mean it shouldn’t, but idk this happens to me most of the times when I’m enabling nanite on meshes. Never had this back in UE 4.27.
Strange, not sure…
Yeah, that’s all good. Thanks for trying anyways . I’ll keep it open, hopefully someone else knows anything about it.
My gut reaction, is the skylight is missing from the scene. But I think I see it configured?
Yeah I believe so. Though I found out that if I disable the environment, it turns normal. I think it might because of the mesh. I’m not sure what it is yet, still trying to find out about it.
try this
Thanks @Qbaism it worked!
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