Static Mesh crashes project and doesnt rotate

Hi guys, I have to make a Static Mesh moves left and right with buttons.

The Static Mesh (Tank LGML) moves left and right, but after few seconds it freezes the whole project. And after 10 seconds the project continues, but the Tank LGML doesnt work.

Can you suggest something? Maybe i have to change my blueprint?

It looks ok. Can you just play the first person demo level without problems?

Hey there @ASAPSpartacus! I agree with Clockwork, the BP looks fine barring the rest we can’t see. When the freeze occurs, are there any errors? Does the freeze occur standalone and in editor?

I can run the project, but using the buttons make it freeze for 10 seconds, after which all but the Static mesh works.

There arent any errors during i run the project, nothing strange.

I notice you have a lot of non-standard override-able functions there.

Is this not a standard pawn?

If it’s inheriting a lot of code from elsewhere, that could explain the weirdness.