[Static Mesh Actor] : Static Mesh Actor has NULL StaticMesh property


This may be a stupid and an easy question to answer. I am getting this warning when I re build my lights, i know there is a docmunent page on this already. I have seen it however. I still don’t understand it. I imported a mesh from Sketchup 2016 as a FBX. Can please post screen shots to see exactly how to fix thanks.

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Hi Fred,

This warning simply means that you have a static mesh in your level that you’re building lighting for that doesn’t have a static mesh assigned to it. It’s just an empty actor.

If you click on the link in the warning it should take you to the NULL actor and have it selected. If you look in the Detail’s panel you will see that it should have no assigned static mesh. Either delete this actor or assign a static mesh for it to be used.

I hope that helps!


The static mesh is in the scene I had pictures up but they have disappeared for some reason.

I Imported the static mesh again from Sketchup and this time I made a brand new level and imported the mesh in. The warning was gone, so I think it had something to do with the starter content map.

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That’s the best explanation I have found on the whole internet, TY !

I have a static mesh assigned in the details panel but still get this error.
Also, I get this error about 20 times when building my project, even though I have only one static mesh in the game (basic platform and the player start and light’s etc.)

Thank you! It worked for me. I just assigned a sphere and the warning is gone! =D

This didnt work for me. I added a static mesh to the component and I added an Editor Sphere just to see what would happen…I am onVersion 4.21 and I bought an Cyber punk asset pack with automatically made BPs and combined meshes. So Idk much about the information.

What do you mean you assigned a sphere? What kind??

Collision Spehere, editor spehere, a static mesh sphere, actor sphere???

Help I have added a static mesh in every place where one was needed but the message still comes up when I press Build Lighting.

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simply delete the actor from the scene, you probably don’t need it anymore.