I ask for help I have no idea how to fix this problem. The error message “WARNING : Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh propert” comes up whenever I try to build the light. I have several static meshes in the given object and the message still comes.
Kind regards Maximilian Nowak
Go through your world outliner
and you’ll find a mesh which is not in your level ( you don’t see anything when you click on it ).
You can just delete that one…
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Unfortunately, this did not help. There are only meshes in my level that are visible. It is about a door that supposedly contains no mesh although the mesh is present. I have already deleted the doors and re-inserted them, changed the settings and tried a few other things. Unfortunately, has not helped the error remains present. As long as the problem is there, the Unreal Engine does not allow to build the light. Anyway, thanks for the answer