Im trying to create a “General” lighting for a map where indoor lighting isnt as bright as the outside but can still be lit with light sources inside
As you can see from the image from the game unturned I want the indoor and outdoor to be similar light levels with the indoors being slightly darker. From what i’ve been seen people are not talking about how to achive this same style
Any help would be appreciated
@LoneWolf1251 first you need to decide which lighting device you will use for your scene and think about which platform you want to develop for as not all devices will support all features.
That being said, you will control the ambient light with the Sky Light for the most part combined with a direct light. Then on the post process volume you can play with the Local Exposure. This will help you expose the dark areas a bit brighter if that is what you need.
Then add your accent lights on this covered areas or Interiors.
Hope this helps.
Hi, Sorry for the really late reply, i tried what you reccomended but wasnt able to get the result i wanted,
However if i set the meshes from static to stationary i get more of the intended affect
My worry is that the building isnt one singular mesh and i feel setting every mesh i want to be indoors to stationary isnt very good performance wise i could be wrong though.