Static Camera in an Muliplayer Game

I Want to use an Static Camera in an Muliplayer Game, Iam using a lisinger Sever, on the Sever the Camera is working but not on the Client it is there for 1 or 2 frames and after that it resets to some Camera inside the Character, i deleted the Camera attached to the Player. I Tryed diffrent things, only running the Set View Target on the Sever, on Client and Multicast or a compination, but it’s always the same, it works on the sever but not for the Client.

I also tried running the Set View Target on Player Login but still didn’t work.

P.S. iam new to UE4 :slight_smile: → help me please

My Code

The 1 or 2 frames were it’s correct

And it Breaks

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Fixed it myself somehow, the cast failed above and with the correct event it works

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