State Weight value not updating on client/standalone

Hi guys, im not sure if this is a bug or not, seems like one to me. I am using the state weight node return value attached to the alpha of a blend node in my animation BP.

In this image you can see the only addition I made to the third person template, just a blend node with a animation plugged into B, and the State Weight for JumpLoop driving the blend.


In this image you see the result on the dedicated server, the return value updates as expected.


In this image you can see what it looks like on the client. It also looks like this in Standalone and Listen Server, the Value only seems to update on dedicated server. However also notice that the blend is activating even tho the watched value is still zero.

So, is this just a visual bug? I found this cause I was sure it wasnt working on my ABP and noticed the values not updating on client leading me to believe the value wasnt replicating, but doing these tests it seems to work, it just doesnt show you the values.