[State Tree] UE5.1 Documentation - Overview & QuickStart Guide

I voted as “critical” for State Trees when asked during last summer.

My project could make a great use of State Trees to simplify the encoding of NPC actions in a planner.

I played with UE5.0 STs, read the UE5.1 doc and achieved the quickstart project.

Beyond the few steps missing in the quickstart guide (and reported elsewhere [Bug?] State Tree stuck on "Debug Text Task") the doc says very little on what makes a ST State succeed or fail, how to use events or when to use ticks in transition conditions, for instance.

It’s also unclear how ST parameters can be used during gameplay.

A Q&A section at the end of either the overview or else the quickstart guide could address supplementary issues like these.

I agree - State Trees are one of the BIG new things in 5.1 huge amounts of potential and clearly given the depth of functionality something a lot of work has already gone into. But the documentation is minimalist.

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I upvoted. State Trees and Behavior Trees can be used to accomplish the same goals. I’d like to learn and apply the new tool. But when should I prefer Behavior Trees over the newer State Trees?

UE 5.1 Tutorial — Creating AI using State Trees [With some explanation of State Tree]