State Tree events always consume on select

I’ve been running into an issue where the contents of an event’s payload values are invalid. The idea was that I could have a parent state that enters on an event condition. Then multiple children states could be selected based on conditions from the payload’s contents. I got the following log from the State Tree Debugger and learned this is not possible:

Evaluation forced to false: source data cannot be accessed (e.g enter conditions trying to access inactive parent state)

From digging around I found there’s a boolean called bConsumeEventOnSelect set to true by default. There’s a lot of indicators to imply that it should be toggleable and available. The image attached should be where it’s located.

Is this intentionally private? It would be awesome if this could be configured. There’s a lot of use cases where toggling would be nice to keep event payloads valid in a parent’s children states.

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