State Machine Transition: Why is Transition Duration Time Ignored?

I’m having an issue with anim state machine transition duration seemingly being ignored; that is, state transitions are occurring immediately even though I have a nonzero duration set. I can’t figure out what is causing the issue. Here is a short recording of the issue.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to resolve the issue?

The “immediate” transition happens because “Inertialization” is being used as the blend logic. What this logic does, is “save” the velocity of the bones of the last pose of the previous state animation and use that to transition to the next state animation in “Duration” time. So, there is no actual blending between the two animation states.
More here (Inertialization is mentioned somewhere in the middle of this doc)

And here

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Thanks for the helpful and detailed reply, Miky! I eventually managed to come to the conclusion you provided, but I forgot to post back here about my discovery. (That’s my mistake. :man_facepalming:t2:) Once I realized how inertialization works, I began using it more intentionally and effectively, rather than just randomly toggling between standard and inertial blends in my state machines to find what works. :sweat_smile:

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