Ever since downloading the new 4.25 editor I have noticed that my “stat unit” GPU is showing 33 ms even in an empty level. Previously I had a project in 4.23 with a GPU time of 16 ms but after installing the newer engine I went back to that 4.23 editor and project and it too is now running with GPU at 33 ms regardless of what is in the level.
Help! please!
Oddly enough running the .bat file for the editor from my work still runs fine.
Are you sure you don’t have fps limit?
Thanks for the reply, that did cross my mind but everything I’ve tried to un-cap the frame rate hasn’t had any effect.
Unless there is a method I didnt try?
First try t.maxfps 60 (or more) in console. (In my case it work)
Also check in project settings there is something called framerate smmothing.
I think you should disable this feature.
This is whole Framerate category in settings so also check it out.
In this category you can find “Use fixed framerate” with default 30 FPS that also might be it.
Also it’s quite weird I had 120 FPS by default I believe in every version.
If this doesn’t help check GPU Proffiler to see what’s taking this 33 ms
It’s tool that will tell you explictly what’s taking this resource.
Unfortunately I tried all of that and it has no effect, I can set my frame rate lower than 30 but it wont go above 30 no matter what I have tried. The GPU profiler reads at 16ms, which is what I would expect so it just seems that my editor has somehow locked itself to 30 fps regardless of anything I do, including changing the values in project settings, t.maxfps in console, disabling v sync and even changing the editors settings in the nvidia control panel… uninstalling epic launcher and UE4 didnt change anything either, I even tried clearing my registry of anything related to Epic or UE4 and still locked at 30fps…