Startup problem twinmotion 360 degree camera

Hello, first of all forgive me for my English, it's from the Google translator.

I have a problem when I open Twinmotion, the camera starts to spin 360 degrees uncontrollably and cannot be stopped, what do I do to fix it, I have installed other versions a

Hi ,

Try following the steps in the Twinmotion is not visible after splash screen article to see if this helps, as this will reset Twinmotion to a default configuration.

If the camera continues to spin, please check your input devices to make sure there aren't any issues with your mouse, keyboard, controller, or touchpad causing the problem.

If it still occurs, please share a log file (Where to find Twinmotion .log file) which might indicate why this is happening.



Thanks for the help with what you tell me is solved.

Greetings from Spain and many thanks for this wonderful program