Startup Movie, mp4, black screen

Startup movies not playing.

Tried in a fresh C++ Third Person project with no starter content:

  1. Have mp4’s that added to the Movies in Project settings. Clicked the box that makes them complete on load.
  2. Packaged game.
  3. checked in packaged folder, the movie was copied over.
  4. Double click the .exe, black screen for a while, then my UMG for the 1st, MenuLevel appears. No starting movies.

The download for the Powered by Epic logo is a windows movie, not a mp4. The Project Settings for movie doesn’t recognize it. Where do we download the Powered By UE4 logo that works as a starting movie?

Thank you

I tried 720p mp4’s and they work. I guess that is the only size that is acceptable.

i still get black in my mac package. UE4 4.22