Starting Tycoons

I want to start making tycoons and stuff but all the tutorials i have found make you go to their discord and buy their code. How can you learn/start making these codes yourself?


Think of a small game mechanic to start with and get it working, then branch out from there, get the next bit working, or just build the environment it could help inspire the next steps.

You can always post in this forum to hopefully get advice or pointed in the right direction.

Do you have an idea of what you want to make ?
Whats the first thing that the player should experience ?

i just wanna start learning how to make tycoons and stuff but i cant find anything online

There is literally lot of tutorial on YouTube about that

yeah if you watch the vids they all make u join their disc and do stuff or pay for it i wanna learn how to do the scripts myself and stuff

There is tutorial here, who are on YouTube. I’m sorry but the vid’s on YouTube are really helpful about tycoon, you can’t really get better help