Starting my first project: Modular scene building

My name is Miguel. I´m starting to make my first Project in UE and a lot of questions are arising.
The image shows a quick modelling in Sketchup. The idea is start with one building, learn the technic(s) and continue until the last one will be finished. Right now I´m focused on archviz but later it could be a kind of game.
At this moment, I modelled each single wall as an independent mesh but…
Should I go to a modular build system? Lot of buildings are different. Different height, different width or length.
What kind of texturing do you recommend? I mean tiled, brushed… My idea is to use Quixel Megascan for materials. I´m familiar with photogrammetry but this is not applicable because the buildings are mainly demolished.
In case modular is the way to go, is there any “standard” size for modules? Buildings (walls) could go from 10 to 30 meters long. Even decimal values are used.
I know: A lot of question and I apologized for it.
Thanks in advance

Hi Miguel,

Yes modular is the best way to go not only for ease of modelling, but also for rendering/memory efficiency.

Regarding texturing - keeping the number of different materials down to a minimum is the best way - each different material a mesh is using adds another draw call.

One thing you may want to look into is “TriPlanar UV mapping” - it is a way render the materials on your meshes without using the meshes UV’s - that makes it easy to share textures/materials among your meshes.

Quixel Megascan materials are great - you can start with their high resolution ones (4096x4096) and then you can assign them to lower sizes in your project (while retaining the full resolution on disk) for any or all when you’re optimizing.

As far as a standard size - I don’t think so - just they should all be a multiple of something like 50 or 10 so that they can “click” together when you have grid turned on.

Check out the buildings in the “Matrix City Demo” (there’s a free project on the marketplace with just the buildings) which use modular walls etc - they may be a good size to reference from.

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