When i start editor from a desktop shortcut (i added UnrealEditor.exe" -MaxGPUCount=2)…
Starting editor and project from epics games launcher has different results.
For example… The following console command when done in epics game launchers runs correctly but when i start it from my desktop shortcut i get the following error… Why???
Cmd: r.Nanite.AllowTessellation 0
Error: r.Nanite.AllowTessellation is read only!
Both also have different recently open levels… Even though its the same project… whats going on here?
;In ConsoleVariables.ini in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Config
;Set values here for every project or follow instructions given in In ConsoleVariables.ini
;[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] in my project
; Other way to set cvars:
; in engine ini files (e.g. BaseEngine.ini,
; Project Settings DefaultEngine.ini) in the [SystemSettings] section
; Uncomment to get detailed logs on shader compiles and the opportunity to retry on errors
Pleas note Yours has a syntax error using a space instead of = as in my example above
If you are trying to disable use 0 but you need to restart the UE project
U dont understand. It works. The command is fine… but if i run it on console it works if i originally launched it with epic games lsuncher… otherwise loading the project from an unreal shortcut… the console command doesnt work when i test it. Both are the same project running… just lainching the editor a different way.