I have a set of menus that work through game instance. Creating a session and opening a level works perfectly within the editor but fails on the packaged version. Instead all I see is a blackscreen.
How do I go about troubleshooting this?
UPDATE: If I have steam open then the level loads properly. I do not understand however since I am using the LAN option. I would think it wouldn’t require steam.
Have you defined which level loads first when you packaged your game? Project Settings → Project → Packaging → List of maps to include in a packaged built.
It depends. If you are streaming your levels from a persistent one then you only need to specify the persistent ones. If your levels are not streamed then you have to specify them all in order you want them to load, in case you have not scripted the order by which you want them to load.
The Level Streaming feature makes it possible to load and unload map files into memory as well as toggle their visibility during play. This makes it possible to have worlds broken up into smaller chunks so that only the relevant parts of the world are taking up resources and being rendered at any point. If done properly, this allows for the creation of very large, seamless games that can make the player feel as if they are playing within a world that dwarfs them in size.
In othere words you load a Level which is the persistent level (the one that always loads) and you attach to it other levels that make up your whole world. Then you decide either via script or Streaming Volumes in the level (they work like trigger volumes) when those levels and the meshes, lights or whatever you have assigned to them load or unload, become visible or not. A neat way to basically always play in a small part of your world while the rest is hidden since you don’t see it anyway. That is why some games have only one long loading at the begining and no loading afterwards event when they have a huge world, like the Witcher.
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@: It looked as though that response resolved your issue. If not, let me know and we will continue to help troubleshoot this issue.