Starter Content & Templates Completely Missing


First of all, apologies in advance for my complete lack of knowledge regarding Unreal Engine. I’m a college student and I have to use the software for one of my modules and I’m honestly completely clueless.
Now I’ve warned you all, here’s my issue:

When I initially downloaded Unreal 4 (currently 4.10.2), I had extremely limited hard drive space, so I opted to install without the starter content, hoping to be able to download it at a later date. My trouble now is that I can’t find where to download it. I did a fair bit of Googling, and found that regardless of whether or not you chose to install it initially, it should still be available to install by going to content -> add new -> add feature or content pack. However, when I follow these steps, the window that opens is completely blank.

I’ve added an attachment of a screenshot of the blank window I see when I try to add content.

I’m just wondering if there’s a specific place I can download the starter content and templates post-install, or whether I’ll have to completely uninstall everything and reinstall in order to opt-in.


Go back in the Epic Launcher, click on the options for the engine you have (4.10); there should be an option setting where you can select the starter content and install it. Sorry, I’m at the studio right now and don’e have UE4 open in front of me.


should be able to install from menu

I am using UE5 and it is still working! Thanks :+1: