Start learning unreal,your suggestions are welcome

i want to make a game,but i dont know how to start learning

check out the Unreal learn section. It’s plenty of good stuff in there.

Learning goes best when it is goal oriented I think.

Maybe do a handful of tutorials where you make games. has good beginner project based tutorials I think are well worth the money.

Once you are done doing stuff like that for several months, you could try to make pong, flappy bird, asteroid shooter, etc. Really simple games. That will get you set up for success.

The best developer is the one having the most fun.

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Regarding only Unity, I came to unreal because I find it the easiest. I don’t think the conventional wisdom that unity is better for indies is true any longer. Newer versions of the engine have too many problems.
Unreal, it seems to me, as lonngn as you use it the way it is designed to be used, works 99% of the time. And blueprint system makes the hardest part of development (for me) absolutely user friendly. Games I couldn’t make without hired help in unity I have been able to build mostly on my own in unreal.

That’s all just to offer a counterpoint because almost everywhere you read on the internet people say the same thing. But I’ve tested thoroughly and come to a different conclusion. So it’s worth going in with an open mind.

But yeah, you first need to learn how to troubleshoot problems and research online. Sadly people always tell others that they must do this, but they dont suggest exactly how. My advice: go and review the scientific method. Probably you learned in school. It is sure-fire method for figuring out “what you don’t know” and works every time.

You can basically be a dummy, but if you follow the method there are few problems that you can’t solve. Only a matter of patience.

For google research, that is a little more of an art. Have to think about what is the most common way other people might search for an answer to a problem and ask in similar way. And think about your problem not in isolation, but what are the underlying principles which make your problem similar to others. That will help you find info you can actually use when trying to get help on a problem.

Have fun though, that is the whole reason anybody wants to make games. If its only about money, go into business instead. Games are for having fun, so if you aren’t having fun you are doing it wrong.


Hey there, @anonymous_user_7ef9455d1. Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums, as well as the community.

Starting your first game can seem like quite a daunting journey to undertake, but it doesn’t need to be. Unreal Engine is a part of a vast ecosystem. While that also might seem daunting, within that ecosystem is a bustling community that spans many platforms, all using various tools and learning material to make their game development dreams come true.

Understandably, we all learn in different ways. What might work for one person might not work for another-- and this is why we constantly are looking to expand the ways we can help people learn.

A great place to start would be Unreal Online Learning, a free platform with curated courses and learning paths to suit all manner of learning. From Blueprint - Essential Concepts to introduce you to the fundamentals of the Blueprint Visual Scripting system, Animation Kickstart to provide insight and explanation of these tools, and even Constructing Believable Environments, which is a learning path on how to do what the title suggests.

We also regularly produce and publish webinars, presentations, and tips & tricks to our Unreal Engine Youtube channel. In addition, we also host a livestream every Thursday at 2:00 PM ET called Inside Unreal on both Twitch and Youtube– all of these livestreams can be found on-demand on Youtube.

On top of that, we also release a plethora of sample projects and projects to accompany learning content. These can help you dive into new features and allow you to see how they work, and assist in deconstructing certain elements- if you find that supports your learning journey. In a similar vein, in an ongoing partnership with the Unreal Engine Marketplace creators, select content is available for free to the community each month.

With all that being said, if those avenues do not suit your learning path, there are also thousands of community-produced tutorials available on Youtube and other platforms.

As for the wider community, I mentioned how the community spans multiple platforms-- Facebook groups, Unreal Engine Developers Community, and Unreal Engine 5. A community moderated Unreal Engine SubReddit, and a community ran Unreal Engine Discord; Unreal Slackers.

Please do not feel discouraged in starting your journey. Many people, including us here at Unreal Engine, would love to hear your questions and help wherever we can.

Good luck on your journey, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to the community and us!

:slightly_smiling_face: YOU’VE GOT THIS! :+1:


Wow… things got out of hand quickly here, people writing all sorts of things that don’t really reply to the initial question.

Yan. Start with Phase 1. Watch tutorials, for any engine you want. Look at GDC talks. Read articles or books or anything really, for fun. Don’t worry about remembering anything. And then try any engines you find free, mess around with them randomly, with no immediate goal, or follow some intro tutorials.

Phase 2. At some point, you’ll want to start making a small, simple game. Use ANY engine you want, anything that seems friendly to you. You can make most simple games with most free engines out there. If you want to get into the Unity vs Unreal vs Whatever debate, that’s up to you, but know that you can use any for your first game, and it’s equally fine.

You will really start to learn and get experience when you start making your game, and not when you simply follow tutorials. When you make your own game you will have your own goals, and you’ll have to puzzle-solve them one at a time.

And take everything everyone says with at least one grain of salt. Have fun!


Thanks a lot for your suggestion, the two step seems really very good, i’ll spend at least half a year for learning :grinning:

I recently went through this myself and at least for me I found that tutorials were great to learn the navigation of Unreal and how blueprints work, landscaping, lighting, event graphs at a basic level, etc. but you can go down a rabbit hole watching and learning and never get started on your game and there are several ways to do the same thing so what you learn in one tutorial may not really be the best way of doing it.

I’d suggest a different route, use the tutorial to learn the basics of unreal as mentioned above, then design a simple version of your dream game and write down what you want it to do, as you come across each subject your not sure on how t complete find a tutorial and reproduce that in your game.

If for example you want to build a survival game, make it simple start with a generic landscape some trees and water, design the basic UI, then code all the events. Keep it simple for your first game. Once you have a simple functioning game you can easily go back and start upgrading everything, better UI, more events, more graphics, etc.

How do I make my character move
How do I create the landscape and add trees and water
How do i create a UI
How do I interact with the landscape, chop down a tree and represent that in my UI
How do I build a house
so on…
Again keep it simple, maybe building the house is nothing more than a button that says build house and it drops a cube on the map, Later you can add on to piece and a grid snap to it.

Also be aware that the marketplace has many free and paid assets that can assist you in your game building by integrating in with your project saving you the time of having to design those parts yourself.

have fun and good luck

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