I would like to put a video after the character dies. But I can not start the video .
Can you provide more information about why you cannot start a video? Also, what do you mean by “video”? A Sequencer cut-scene or an actual video file?
I would like to put a real video file that lasts 10 seconds. Only I do not know how to set it up to make it appear after the character dies.
I open the game, I let the character die in the level, “the video must appear here”, and then start the level again from 0
You can have a look at the Media Framework, in particular here: Play a Video File | Unreal Engine Documentation
Furthermore, here there are some hints on how to play it at full screen: Play a Video Stream | Unreal Engine Documentation
If you have questions about how to use it, don’t hesitate to ask.
Is not that you would have some ideas on how to solve?
When I put the open level, the video skips it. So how do I show the video and then open the level ??
You need to add a Delay Node (Delay | Unreal Engine Documentation) between Open Source and Open Level, and plug the length of the video as the duration.