Hello UE4 Community,
I’m from the Netherlands, so English is not my native language obviously, please ignore my grammar mistakes 
I’ve build myself a nice FPS, i can shoot my windows, open doors, blow things up, everything works perfect. Then I launch a dedicated server, and try multiply viewports to see how it looks. Well, You ain’t see nothing. My windows don’t crash, my explosions are not shown. Nothing but walking.
I’ve searched around, and I cannot find a proper answer.
Does anybody have that answer? Am I forgetting something? You have a tip/video somewhere what could help me out?
I’m hoping for the best!
Yours sincerely,
Standalone means you are the server and client, thus all actions happen in your one instance of the game. When you move to a dedicated server environment you are running multiple instances of the game (the server and each client that connects has their own instance of the game). Things that happen on the client do not take place automatically on the server and by-in-large vice versa. There’s a vast amount of additional work in order to get everything playing and communicating properly.
As a starting point I’d suggest reading and playing around with the Unreal’s Networking Content Example
Well, in that case…
Thank you, I will mark this as an answer, this can help me out!
Best regards,