Hi, everytime I try to start the project with the Standalone Game, it crash at the start.
It does not crash if I start a sample project, i’m using 4.10.4
Here is the google drive link for the crash report log, and game log
Hi, everytime I try to start the project with the Standalone Game, it crash at the start.
It does not crash if I start a sample project, i’m using 4.10.4
Here is the google drive link for the crash report log, and game log
Hey -
Is there any custom code in the project? I ask because the log files mention CDO which has to do with initialization and setup. If there is code, can you let me know how many custom classes were added as well as how the constructors are setup? Additionally, when the crash occurred, did you click the button to send the report? If not, it would be helpful if you could cause the crash again and send the crash report in so that we can find your issue on our end.
Yes, there are about 10 C++ classes, this is a school project, so the classes are a little messy. I’ve added the source code (only c++) to the original link, in a folder named ‘Code’.
Yes, the first time it has happened I sent the report.
You say the crash occurs when starting the Standalone Game. Are you referring to a packaged version of the games .exe or launching the standalone window from the editor? What happens when you run the game through the main viewport window?
Yes, the crash only occur when starting the standalone game via the editor, if I start the game in the viewport of the editor, everything works.
Do you have a movie that is supposed to play at the beginning of the game? One of the last lines before the error was Unable to load movie: .../Content/Movies/Default_Startup.mp4
. The movie does not play when the game is ran from the viewport which is why the crash doesn’t occur. Let me know if removing the Default_Startup movie prevents the crash from occurring in standalone.
There is no movie supposed to play at the start of the game, in Project- Settings - Movies, there is no movie there, and in the DefaultGame.ini there is only
[/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings] ProjectID=7D0BC4774CE0DBCDC3E6C7B3275D88B5 ProjectName=Third Person Game Template
[StartupActions] bAddPacks=True InsertPack=(PackSource="StarterContent.upack,PackName="StarterContent")
[/Script/MoviePlayer.MoviePlayerSettings] bWaitForMoviesToComplete=False bMoviesAreSkippable=False
The only things we have that is like a movie is a matineeActor that moves the camera and start a caracter animation
I added a exampleMedia from a unreal sample and added it in content/movies, when the standalone starts, I can see approx 1 second of the movie before it crashes
Looking over the callstack, I noticed a call to ALightDetection::ALightDetection at line 20 shortly before the crash. Looking at this line which is a CreateDefaultSubobject call, there is a string literal of < UMovementComponent>("move1");
. Typically with CreateDefaultSubobject you would use the TEXT macro with the string as such: < UMovementComponent>(TEXT("move1"));
. Let me know if making this change has any affect on running the project in standalone. If you’re still getting the crash, please send a copy of the project for me to investigate the crash locally. This can be done by uploading the project to google drive / dropbox and then sending me a PM on the forums with a download link.
Hi, over the weekend I tried to remove the call to CreateDefaultSubobject and the standalone stopped crashing. I will find another way to move the platform. Do you still want me to upload the project or you don’t need to check ?
I’m glad to hear you were able to find a solution to the crash. For now I don’t think you need to worry about uploading the project. If you are attempting to move a platform, my suggestion would be using a timeline to update the static mesh’s location smoothly over time rather than attempting to use a movement component.