Stand to crouch animation working but crouch to stand and walk crouch not working

2023-11-03 11-37-41.mkv (18.7 MB)

Please Help me Thank you all. I upload a video about problem and i upload blue prints what i used.

Problem = Stand to crouch and crouch idle working but crouch to stand animation not working.its going to idle to fast.and crouch walking animation not working.

Hey @HKVInsomniaS!

To help get things started, a significant portion of your shared blueprints/animation blueprints are too small to read. Can you share larger, mor visible screenshots so we can get a better understanding of what you have so far?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem.

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Hey Thanks for answer and sorry for these screen shots.i can only upload 5 so i will upload part part



Okay, there’s quite a bit to go through, so to make it easier (at least, for me) can you upload a video of this screen WHILE the character is in PLAY MODE (Green button at top, making sure the PREVIEW INSTANCE is POPULATED)? That way you/we can pinpoint what the issue is:

Make sure to create space for BOTH the viewport and the animation graph.

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Make thread-safe variables.
The character movement component (CMC) has a function to return a bool for this state.

Using one of the sequence pins set a variable for is crouching (bool). Use character movement component is crouching function.

Transition Rules…

Stand/Crouch Transition (State)


You have a LOT of patience.

I figured it was a transition issue, but I didn’t feel like looking through all the blueprints.


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Hello, thanks for your significant help. I encountered the same issue, and it’s likely that I made a mistake. I’ve uploaded a video so you can see all the blueprints. Thank you for all your assistance and efforts.

i cant upload forum because it is 105 mb video.

Thanks for the help. I’ve attempted to upload a video as you requested. I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for.

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Okay, this is what I meant:

Also, you are either receiving those errors because the character does not exist in the game, or you incorrectly referenced the variables.

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This is so weird.Nothing happened.

In your PREVIEW INSTANCE (near the play button), there should be a dropdown for you to select your character. Try that and it should update.

(That’s why the Anim Character isn’t updating.)

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problem is fixed but when crouching to stand while in animation character is walking.

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Good to hear!

You’ll need to instruct the Engine to stop the character from moving during this transition. You can use a DISABLE INPUT node that will disallow the player to move the character until the animation finishes.

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