Stairs, walls, alignment.. Help

Hi, I’m still new to this program and got stuck when I want to make stairs… still doing everything in UE4 without using any kind of 3D program-
So I created Linear Stairs and I have no idea how I should align the wall to make it look good with the materials.
I tried just making a normal Box look like a wall and place the material and rotating it but just can’t seem to make it look decent.

Is there any easy way to do this?


(Sorry if wrong section)

Try putting a different color baseboard segment at the base of the wall where it meets the stairs. That should help it look a whole lot better.

I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean to have like one texture (the wall) and then another texture at the base of the wall?

Hi, I am also a newbie, and I wanted to bump this thread.

Currently, I have completed this set of tutorials ( ) up to the 8th part and have a decent representation of the building. I would suggest that these specific tutorials might solve your stairs problem. also, the decision to use multiple boxes allows one to choose specific textures per box. So you may have one box for the baseboards and one for the wall with a different texture for each. I don’t think that this was your question though.

Apparently I freaked the program out when I brought the sun inside the house but I like the current lighting as it lets me see better. If there is a way to reset basic light source in FPS Blueprint to default, please let me know!!

But my main question is: When designing a level from scratch in FPS Blueprint like the tutorials, is there a way to specifically define a corner point for each object or box, so that when they are finally placed in the proper place on the grid, they have an actual 3 dimensional location with respect to a specific origin point!?! For instance, it is great to snap to grid and drag and try to get flush boxes. But even if you snap to grid at 1, it is time consuming to move the camera and guesstimate where these objects should be and how they should become flush. I am aware of the “make adjacent panels wall flush”-style functionality built into the editor, but what i was wondering is that if a person already had a map or design, it would be much easier to have a capability to simply input a corner value for a box at a point, so that as the level is designed, the box doesn’t move or get stretched. I feel that this must be included somewhere as you can define the box in terms of an x,y,z, coordinate system, but without a single corner point to join the box meaningfully to the world, it can be very frustrating to work and then hit a wrong mouse button and not undo appropriately.

Also, I feel that when building haphazardly with the drag-n-drop editor, sometimes once you have built the building, certain internal props don’t want to go exactly the same place as the tutorial due to some persistence when the box was originally created.

While I understand that End and Ctrl-End can snap a box to the grid, it does not snap the box to the grid at a specific place, only to the closest location that will meet the requirements of the snap to grid command.

So if there are any suggestions on resources or other tutorials that show how to get a consistent grid with an origin, please let me know. I do understand that in FPS style, often the player in first person is considered the origin, but this is a separate design system I think in terms of of world building before the PC is present.

Any info on this capability would be appreciated.


I’ll try and tackle all your questions. :slight_smile:

To my knowledge there is not a way to default it back to its original position. You need to adjust and move it back accordingly.

There is no way to PERMANENTLY change a pivot point for any of the static meshes or BSP/Geometry brushes. With that being said, you can change it temporarily to better position the mesh or Geometry brush. In the Perspective viewport you can middle-mouse-click on the white pivot on the placement tool and you can drag it to a new pivot location. When you click away from the model and re-highlight the model it will place the pivot back to it’s original pivot position.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to explain with this though. The player character does not affect the origin points of the other meshes/Geometry brushes. All geometry brushes have their pivot point set to its center. While anything created in a 3d modeling program will the the world origin of the grid (0,0,0) as the pivot origin. This is why when exporting from your 3D program we inform everyone to set their model to the world origin so that when it is imported into UE4 or UDK the model will hold the position it had in the 3D modeling software.

I’m not sure if I’ve clearly answered your questions. If you need further specifics feel free to explain and I’ll do what I can. :slight_smile:

Thank you!
