Staging metahuman

I am using UE5.2. I am working on a metahuman we downloaded from the Marketplace. I would like to “stage” this metahuman holding an RPG on his shoulder. My metahuman has a Static mesh, a SkelMesh, and a physicsassset. I have scoured the internet looking for a way to stage him. I am finding a lot of documentation on animation, but it is not leading me on the path I need to go (at least that I know of). When I open my physicsasset in the animation editor window, I can select the bones and move the arms, legs, etc. until my heart is content in both the Skeleton Editor and the Skeletal Mesh Editors but there is no change in the metahuman in the main viewport window. Just to make sure, I added the physicsasset in the main viewport window.
I am a visual person. Is there a step by step process somewhere that can walk me through this? This by the way is new to me so go easy on me.
