Stacking mod problem -Re: Fertiliser Compost. Please help

My stacking mod works well, all except Fertilizer.

Fertilizer stacks OK, but when you add a stack of fertilizer to a garden plot, after the plot has used up the first in the stack, the stack is completely used up. In other words, it doesn’t matter how much fertilizer you stack up in any one slot, as soon as the first bit of fertilizer is used in that slot, the slot becomes empty.

Anyone have any ideas what I need to do to fix this?

All suggestions welcome.

My stacking mod works well, all except Fertilizer.

Fertilizer stacks OK, but when you add a stack of fertilizer to a garden plot, after the plot has used up the first in the stack, the stack is completely used up. In other words, it doesn’t matter how much fertilizer you stack up in any one slot, as soon as the first bit of fertilizer is used in that slot, the slot becomes empty.

Anyone have any ideas what I need to do to fix this?

All suggestions welcome.

Fertilizer cannot be stacked in stacked mods as each bag of Fertilizer has their own stats. This is why the game limits the stacking of fertilizer to 1 bag per slot. Re-fertilizer can be stacked though.

There is a way. The Sanctuary TCM was able to stack it, but it may be because it altered core files.

Sure it can be done if you change core game files, which then makes it a dirty mod. But there is no clean way of doing it since each bag of fertilizer has it’s own durability stats. It also explains why water jugs cannot be stacked, as you can have some jugs with partial amounts of water, and some full.

Ok! Thanks for the input guys. Much appreciated. I’ll give it a miss, as I don’t ever want to change core files.

I am currently haveing the issue on xbox. The fertilizer is stacking every were but when i use it in a plot the who stack gets used up and is only counting as one bag even though its a stack of 500. Once the one bag is used the who stack is gone.