Hey everyone, i’m making a true first person game and looking for tricks and Technics to stabilize a true first person Camera.
Opened to suggestions !
I’m going for the mechanical equation solving right now.
Hey everyone, i’m making a true first person game and looking for tricks and Technics to stabilize a true first person Camera.
Opened to suggestions !
I’m going for the mechanical equation solving right now.
What about having an animation that doesn’t shake that much?
Well, that’s an option :3
Just create camera anim and play it in loop while moving.
Using simple interps for the camera location and rotation would be my first try. Then you can control the smoothing of each separately, and tweak for the effect you want. Although I’d want to implement a “minimum threshold” so I could filter any jitter.
To smooth out the rotation, make the rotation match the controller while continuing to use the location of the head/eyes for the camera.
After all my tries, what i’m using now is a new camera joint added to the skeleton and linked to root.
I go over the various anim. and position the camera where i want it to be. Needed to rework a couple animations to make it work but so far i like what i get out of this.