I’ve created several PNG files 128x256 in size and created sprites from them; these files are attached.
Whenever I add these sprites to a Sprite Group they seem to arrange randomly when not all of same sprite is added.
EG: I’m adding a sprite every 128 units on X axis so that they are stacked beside each other. If I were to use all of same sprite they are added properly. However, if I use some that have more transparency than others they arrange at random on X axis. Whenever only one sprite type(identical sprite files) they align properly.
I’ve provided a screen capture of me adding sprites to a sprite group (BAD) vs adding them attached to a collision box (GOOD). blueprint script logic is same for both.
black outlines in larger picture (BAD) is where collision is properly being placed but image isn’t being drawn there.
Transparent parts might show black in web browsers.