I’m working on the base for my momentum platforming project. And I’ve run into an issue involving the sprite, that may indicate a larger issue with my current set up.

I’m unsure if there’s a better way to tilt a character with the slope. I’m attempting to make a 360 degree movement system similar to 2D sonic games.
My Blueprint:
There’s been no online sources I could find to help me create this system. If anyone has an idea of what the problem is, or an alternative system I could use to replace it.
So, you actually move on a XZ Plane with your character, you also can rotate the sprite to look right and left and here raises a question - what are you doing to the character in order to change the direction he’s looking at?
Because - if you rotate him on the Z axis by 180 degree - it will do inverted calculations as you switch the direction!
You can test that with a simple item in your hands - rotate clockwise, turn 180 degress on Top-Down axis while still trying to spin the item in same direction you started with - it will be now counter-clockwise!
-change sprite without affecting rotation
-add boolean indicating direction and depending on that - affect the rotator (probably invert or add/subtract some value on the axis you’re rotating on)
If you are NOT rotating it that way - it is a different issue then which needs a different look at it all but let me know if you got any help from my comment!
And if you want - head for my Public Google Drive Folder for projects I provide, there’s one called Hover Vehicle
It’s an UFO without physics - it maintains it’s rotation based on 4 LineTraces that look for the ground below
! Everything you find in my Public G-Drive is free to use, no licence for it, I will be happy if you ever credit or mention me as Unreal Solver !
About 3 hours after I posted, I did figure out more of what the problem was. For example. The collision was tilted wrong as well, and yet was floating.

Correcting that would cause the ground tracking line to be pointing in the wrong direction, but I did figure it out. I basically had to fix the character rotation first, then store the angle to be positive of negative when facing which direction, store it, and apply that stored value to fix the tracking line.

I will take a look at your Hover project, and Credit it if there’s anything I can use to employ a better version.
Your boolean suggestion was closest to what I did to try and fix it.
Thanks for the help.
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