With some reasons I have to pack UI textures to atlas group. When I change sprite default material, it looks like pretty normal in sprite editor viewport
but this doesn’t appear the same when I drag this sprite in UMG viewport.
I was wondering if someone could tell me what I can do to show the sprite with material effect in UMG?
Hi Michelle_Show,
I tested this on my end and was able to get the desired effect by creating it as a material then adding it to the widget. I would suggest using a flipbook with the texture in the material to achieve what you are trying to do.
Let me know if you have any other questions,
Thanks for replying
At the beginning, I used a material like you said and put it to the widget until I realized my colleague was using sprite atlas group, so I am trying another possibility by changing sprite default material instead of putting material in the widget. I guess the answer is negative though.
After some discussion with my colleague, we decide to use material for UI effect in our project for now. But I’m still looking forward different ways to show effects on UI. If there is something new, please give me a hint.