Sprite in low resolution?


I just started using unreal. I´m using the 2D Side Scroller game blueprint. When i replace the default sprites to my own, for some reason when i press play the sprites are in a very low res.

Here’s a screenshot of my sprite config window:

Here´s my play window:

Plase help me!

Can you post a screenshot of the actual imported image/sprite

Hello, thank you for the answer. Below the original image of her standing.

Can you please post in editor screenshots of each of the process you take. So texture, sprite, flipbook settings.

What i did: create a new 2D sidescroller blueprint. Import the image i sent above this post. Right click above image just imported > Sprite actions > create sprite. Right click in the sprite just created > create flipbook. Duble click in the 2DSide Scroller Character and in the Handle Animation panel i changed “Idle Animation” in the false value to the flipbook i have just created. All settings are default.

Like I said, show screenshots of your image that you imported, before converting to Sprite. And then that inside. Then Flipbook.

Right, sorry.

The image:

The sprite:

The flipbook:

Inside the Texture Editor, switch your Texture Group to UI. Then convert that to sprite and do flipbook. This should take care of your problem. If not, let me know. If yes, please upvote this and accept as the answer so we can close this out. Good luck!

Also, Look at the Paper2D content examples on the Learn Tab (Content Examples, then Open Paper2D level) for other tips and tricks.


And there’s also another setting that can be checked. Change the filtering from linear to nearest. Next, you have to figure out the “sweetspot” for your pixel “density” on screen.

  • Pixel Per Unit on Sprite Sheet. This is going to be a bit tricky and will depend really on the sprite size itself.
  • Adjusts the scaling factor between pixels in the texture and Unreal Units (centimeters). For example, a value of 1.28 will size a 128 pixel wide sprite to be 1 meter. This value can be adjusted per sprite, but you can also set a global default value for newly created sprites in the project settings (Paper2D plugin page). Adjusting your scale to be in a realistic range helps greatly with the stability of physics simulations, among other things.

That will help get your baby pixel perfect. As you can see, it’s more than just importing some art and converting it.

Hello, thank you soooo much for your help!

I tried what you suggested, it didn´t seem to change much. I discovered something though: when i click in the little arrow of the PLAY button and select “Standalone Game” it gets a lot better (not perfect, though). Take a look at the attached image.

Play around with lighting to get it how you want. You are almost there. Also, you may want to change from the default material to something else.

OK dude, here is how i usually do it.

When u bring the image in, first thing u must do is APPLY PAPER 2D, its in the same menu as the CREATE Sprite option, second, u must double click on the image so it takes u to the image context menu(forget what its called now, but just double click, then u must set your filter option to NEAREST. my sprites are crystal clear and this is the process i follow, good luck.


let me now if u come right dude