Hi all I’m working on tile map manager witch will pars data from text file and instantiate tiles based on this data, so far I have working parsing code but I don’t fully understand how should i handle sprite actors, I’m wondering if I should create as many Sprite actors as tile sprites, or is there a way that I can have one object “Tile” and set sprite on it based on my tile type information from file ? I’ve tried the second approach, however there is a problem I have preset collision data, channels, responses etc. on each sprite but when I spawn the object and than set its sprite, all this data is gone, and each tile has the same settings, even if I set that back in code it doesn’t get applied, where if I place sprite by drag and drop everything works fine,
creating as many c++ objects as tiles means I will need to create nearly 30 of them all going to be empty just constructor with a line of code to find and assign sprite reference. So the question is is there a way to have an Object derived from APaperSpriteActor and set its sprite in run time ? Or this is not the right way to do it and I should create a multiple sprite actors each one with its own PaperSprite ? or is there a way I can load or create data at run time ?
never mind I got it sorted ! I have to set collision data in code, but the thing was that was referencing the wrong collision channel in my pawn class hehe.
Btw. does anyone knows why when you create an object in code all collision data etc. that is preset on sprite in editor is set to default ? I’ve tried multiple things:
1st Spawning an APaperSpriteActor by SpawnActor<>() and setting the sprite the collision data is gone and it must be set again in code
2nd I’ve created an actor class added UPaperSpriteComponent created it in constructor by CreateDefaultSubobject and than I’ve obtained a sprite with ConstructionHelper::FObjectFinderOptional and set it the same thing happened all collision data was set to default, than I’ve tried FindObject<>() and LoadObject<>() and the same thing happened, and the worst thing is that I still don’t know why, how come everything is ok when I drag and drop sprite into level ? there is nothing about it in documentation and the only thing it mention is that when you drag and drop it automatically create a PaperSpriteActor witch is the same as the way I did it in first attempt. Two the same things but different result I guess that’s why they named the engine Unreal haha