Sprint Value Wont Clamp

I made a value and gave it a range of 0 to 100, even for the slider. Reading the tip it said it would clamp this variable from there, however when I was adding to the value it went passed 100. Do I still have to use a clamp node?

When you place a Clamp (type of variable, like Float or Integer) node onto the blueprint, you would attach the value you are clamping to the first pin. In the second pin is the minimum value and the third pin is the maximum value. That will clamp your attached value between the minimum and the maximum on the exit pin.

So for your example, you would attach the Sprint variable to the first pin on the Clamp. You would put a 0 for the second pin and a 100 into the third pin. Then your Sprint variable will never come out of the Clamp lower than 0 and higher than 100.

The range is just for the Editor to change the values when you are editing.

if you’re talking about the sliders in the editor, they’re there just for the editor purposes, say you make a variable public and you set the clamp values of the sliders, this only means that they will be clamped in the editor not in the actual game, for that you have to use the clamp node.