Hi everyone,
I’m having some trouble figuring out which properties of a PhysicsContraintActor correspond to the physical constants of a spring system.
If I understood correctly, in order to create a non-damped spring - aka simple harmonic oscillator - one has to create a PhysicsContraintActor and link it between e.g. a ceiling (some static non-physics object) and e.g. a cylinder, which has physics enabled and some mass defined. Then, one has to set everything in the PhysicsConstraintActor to “locked”, except for the linear Z-motion (spring will swing “up” and “down”), which will be set to “free”. Then, we need to set the spring constant (usually described as “K” in physics formulas), which I believe is “Linear Position Drive” in combination with a value for “Linear Position Strength”. If I do that, I get:
However, the oscillation seems to be damped (oscillation decreases in amplitude each swing and stops altogether after n swings). As you can see from the screenshot, I did not setup any linear velocity drive (which I assume is the velocity-dependent damping).
Please let me know, what I’m doing or understanding wrong here.
Thanks very much in advance,