SpringArm Pitch and Yaw

Hello everyone,

I’m hoping this is an easy answer, but can’t find any examples quite like what I’m trying to achieve, and I’m getting some odd problems. I think they might have to do with how I’m accessing the variables. Here is the problem: I have 2 functions bound to the Mouse X and Y of the InputComponent of a PlayerController, nothing fancy. These target the SpringArm component of the controllers current character. One function adjusts Pitch, the other Yaw. Oddly enough, somethings things works as they should. Other times, I get wildly a wildly spinning camera, one that slowly creeps, or one that doesn’t respond at all. I was attempting to debug this and have found that by wrapping the functions below in #pragma optimize("", off/on) seems to have corrected the problem. Can anyone give some insight into what might be happening here?

void ASaSPlayerController::CameraYaw(float Value)
    ASaSCharacter* MyCharacter = Cast<ASaSCharacter>(GetCharacter());
    USpringArmComponent* MySpringArm = MyCharacter->GetCameraBoom();
    FRotator BoomRotation = MySpringArm->GetComponentRotation();
    FRotator SpringArmRotationChange;
    SpringArmRotationChange.Yaw = Value;
    BoomRotation += SpringArmRotationChange;

void ASaSPlayerController::CameraPitch(float Value)
    ASaSCharacter* MyCharacter = Cast<ASaSCharacter>(GetCharacter());
    USpringArmComponent* MySpringArm = MyCharacter->GetCameraBoom();
    FRotator BoomRotation = MySpringArm->GetComponentRotation();
    FRotator SpringArmRotationChange;
    SpringArmRotationChange.Pitch = Value;
    BoomRotation += SpringArmRotationChange;