Spring arm to follow physics ball from behind

Hi everyone,
help needed.

So I have a ball with physics activated and a slope for the ball to roll. I have a spring arm and camera attached to it as child. Spring arm rotation is set to world. My problem is that camera do follows the ball but not as I want it to. I want it to always follow the ball from behind. I’ll be very grateful if someone can help me, or point how do I approach this.

I managed to get it to work but controls get messed up, so I’m looking for solutions. Thanks.

Spring arm rotation is set to world.

Do you mean the Set World Rotation node? Perhaps the springarm is not set to operate in absolute rotations?


Hard to advise more without seeing the hierarchy. I’m getting this out of the box:

Image from Gyazo

Thanks for your comment, but I’m not sure I know how to make it operate in absolute rotation?

I don’t have controls set up, but that’s the entire script my example was running. Can you confirm that’s the behaviour you’re after?

Image from Gyazo

Could you show the hierarchy of the actor?

Yes, this is the rotation I want. I confirm rotation is set to absolute. Here is the hierarchy.


And this is how it behaves.


Funky wobble, I see. Try removing that -35 from the springarm’s absolute rotation on the component itself, but keep it on the Combine Rotators node.

I did. Nothing changes.

Although it somehow rotates when hits the curve, the controls go crazy. Is there any way I could adjust them, so no matter how the ball rotates it always keep controls accordingly and the camera behind the ball? I’ve already tried everything I found on forums, but nothing works.