Spring arm lenght. Disable camera retraction but keeps collision

Hi People!

I have a 3rd person game with a camera attached to a spring arm. I need the spring arm for various reasons but I want too that my camera keeps fixed in the same distance to the character, even if camera collide with a wall. I mean, I want to disable the retraction of the spring arm, but keeping the collision with objects. I have tried to attach a sphere collision to the spring arm but nothing happens. Could you help me? please

I want to disable the retraction of
the spring arm, but keeping the
collision with objects.

You stand with your back to the wall, what do you expect the poor camera to do then? It can’t retract, it can’t clip since you want to keep the collision. Where do you want it to go?

I want to keep the distance, colliding and forcing to rotate in walls. Do you understand?

Here is a handmade simulation of that i want to do


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Did you ever get this figured out?