Have you tried creating a Scene component to parent the spring arm to? You can put this scene component almost anywhere in the actor’s hierarchy and offset its pivot to where you want the camera’s rotation center to be. Just be aware that EVERYTHING is parented to the root component.
If you need behavior different from that then it might be good to put the camera on a separate actor which is spawned at Beginplay and put on the main actor with an AttachTo node.
I’ve been working on a blueprint that uses thrusters to move/rotate a spaceship static mesh and I have a 3rd person camera on a spring arm that I’d like to follow/rotate along with the mesh, however the camera/spring arm seems to have an effect on the center of mass/rotation and instead of rotating along the mesh it rotates around the center of space from the camera / mesh.
Is there anyway to set this up so the camera is ignored? I cant seem to detach it from the root mesh of the blueprint and nothing else I’ve tried has worked.