Spray painting without premade decals

Im trying to create a spray tool that allows the player to spray in walls anything he wants. I want to give freedom to the player to paint what they want, any ideas how can draw in walls in reall time using a brush or something like that?

I hope this helps.

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yes it helpp thank you :slight_smile:

Do you know how to save the results?

Also do you know how can i have multiple layers with diferent colors?

Sorry for late response,

Since you are creating a Dynamic Material Instance you can create more of that object and you can switch between them. But it will not work as a layering system like in DCC apps.

To save the result, you should create a class dervived from SaveGame and put your Dynamic Material Instance into that SaveGame object.

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thank you for the rensponse, i was able do do a work arround by having multiple brushes with diferent colors, but used a slight diferent aproach from the video, i foolowed this tutorial if anyone is interested:

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