Spooky Night of Halloween: Trick or Treat - Unreal Engine 5

Scene inspired by cartoons and the spirit of halloween.

Scene made with Unreal Engine 5, Unreal marketplace assets, megascans, using Megalights, Lumen and Nanite, I hope you like it!

4k Screenshots, Artstation: ArtStation - Spooky Night of Halloween: Trick or Treat - Unreal Engine 5

Thanks for passing by, have a great day!


Hi again @Jhosep_Chevarria,

Hope you’ve been well :slight_smile:

This is genuinely the most precious thing I’ve seen in such a long time. Especially the ghost faces, they made me smile each time I saw them. :ghost: The whole project is utterly charming from beginning to end. In fact, I need a whole animated movie about this scene. Genuinely incredible work! :smiley:


great work, adorable live diorama

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Hello @Jhosep_Chevarria !

This is such a lovely little scene! I love all the detail that you showcase including the way that the pumpkins look kind of scared of the little red goggles kid. The ghosts also are a huge highlight as they’re super duper cute in both design and pose.

Keep up the awesome work!

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