Splitting Static Mesh into static mesh pieces

Hello, I have some number of tree meshes like the one in the picture.
What would be the fastest way to split them into 3 static mesh pieces as shown?

I tried the modeling mode, but didn’t figure out how to split exactly where I wanted (there were many automatically split meshes that I did not want)

P.s. If possible in the Engine itself would be ideal

Only thing Ive found inside the engine is split mesh, but that kinda splits it into thousands of pieces… and in a very weird way, even if I want to merge some back the dissections are not in the wanted position

Hey @Jim_Arabajoglou!

Do you have access to the original model? If so, since you are wanting something very specific, it may be better to split the model in three in a model editor (blender, maya, etc) and bring them back into the engine to make a modular mesh. That will give you the most finite control.

Otherwise, check out this thread post that may have the answer you need:

I hope the above contains the solution you need!

Dont have acess to the original model, but the triselect method allows for precision cutting, and also keeps the relative location!
Perfect, thanks