Splines/Spline Meshes murdering my Framerate

Not a solution but just wanted to say that I use a spline that a pawn follows around the map. I experience severe FPS drops too especially when the pawn hits curves.

Hey all,

I’m having some trouble with Splines inside of the Unreal Engine. Specifically, when I’m using Splines to procedurally generate some cables, they are absolutely killing my framerate.

To create the cables, I’ve essentially followed this YouTube tutorial: UE4 Tutorial: Add spline-meshes procedurally - YouTube

Here’s a Screenshot of my Blueprints, as well as a Screenshot of my Cable mesh (which hardly contains any geometry…)



So, as above - essentially it’s exactly the same as the YouTube tutorial.

However, despite the simplicity of the mesh, it’s absolutely murdering my Framerate, shown below…

Scene with the Cables in the ceiling enabled:


Scene without the Cables in the ceiling enabled:


Why are the Splines causing my framerate to plummet so severely? A 25 frame loss is absolutely crazy for some simple pipes!


It must be something to do with how Light Actors interact with the Spline blueprint.

When my Light Actors are all turned off, my Framerate shoots back up to around 80.

However when they’re turned on, and I have the Splines visible, my Framerate dies again. =(

OK, I’ve solved this!

After a bit of digging around, turns out by default the Spline Mesh is set to Movable - when it should be set to Static. Shown below:

Framerate is back up to 80+ now too.

Hopefully this helps anyone else that runs into the same problem. :slight_smile:


hi. consider watching this too about your problem

there’s something close to a bug

see what Zak Parrish says about it

Man thanks a lot !!

Couldn’t figure out why the hell the frame would drop like a stone, had to take out assets, decals, textures and then finally I found out the culprit, Splines. I thought the scene was doomed, searched the internet to no avail and then I stumbled across your solution and it worked like a charm ! Thanks again!!

Sadly my spline mesh was already set to static, and my Editor performance still tanks. I get 120fps in game, but when I zoom out and there are a lot of spline meshes in view, my performance drops to 20fps with an RTX 4070ti!
And the mesh I’m using is only 260 tris, so I know it’s not because of the mesh itself. What gives?

Strange. My mesh was set to static, but the spline itself was set to moveable. Updating this didn’t change anything, but after I reloaded the level it fixed the frame rate drops.

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Thank you for your solution!!