Splines in Construction Script are entirely broken in 5.4, how do I get them to work again?


I am having huge issues with splines now, where they just cant be edited in editor anymore, or at least dont propagate their changes to the construction script.

Example: scale mesh by spline lenght etc. does not work anymore.

What is this, and how do I resolve it - I tried all the buttons by now, without any result.

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The issue has been discussed here, see my post for the issue ticket which you can upvote to prioritize it: Editing a Spline as part of a Blueprint Construction Script .. (UE5.4) - #6 by Sly.Sk

thanks, will go there then.

Still completely and entirely broken in 4.1 - what is going on?
Splines are pretty much an essential feature, why is it not getting fixed?

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