This ones a bit of a deep problem at least for me, hopefully its obvious to you there’s a boat load of functions going on ill paste them all if that becomes necessary but ill start with the areas i suspect the problem to be
I’ve been closely following this tutorial
21:30 he does the first test, my results were the same
43:45 he does the second test, my results were again the same, exact same for sure on this one
44:44 same results again exactly
1:11:50 Same result
1:14:50 and problem… it was never the same after this point
but i carried on looking for differences in my bp vs his and can’t/couldn’t find anything different
in the BPs so i continued on hoping i would see it, ive now watched the video 6 times and still it does not stick out to me what ive missed in this little 3min gap or sometime before that is my assumption
and im fairly certain i just missed one or two steps max something small
Here is the errors reported by the Message log in different sessions with no change in betwen
Heres what that looks like while playing:
The spline shape seems to be fine but the visual is messed up and of course the message log is complaining about stuff so this is likely a problem caused by the 1st problem
Heres the Function where it says the problem is
“Spline visuals”
The specific place the Message log says the problem is at
“Spline Visuals”
List of the functions in case you need to see a specific one
The Function where i suspect the problem to be
“Update Spline Shape”
I think thats enough information to help find the problem
ill certainly post more or specific things if needed
but at this point ive stared at this for two days
my first attempt i missed even more stuff and had worse problems so i re-did it, this is that 2nd attempt that seems to have only 1 issue left
Cheers good luck and Thank you a billion times over again for even lookin at this monster